Alternative Girls Wiki

VR Content[]

In various places, there is VR content in the game where you can tilt your smartphone, switch the viewpoint by swiping or using a VR headset. The following contents exist, including the "VR Lounge" overlooking the home.

VR hot spring

You can peek at the bathing of members. You can choose from "Ten Moon Trial" or the top of the exchange screen.

VR changing clothes

When two costumes are selected, the members change from the costume chosen earlier to the costume chosen later. You can see the situation and the room through the curtain. A small dialogue is said before and after the change and it is different by every member.

VR live

You can listen to character songs (only Mizushima Airi is in karaoke for the reasons described in her page).

VR water gun

3rd anniversary content.

A shooting game in which multiple members are selected and the first selected member is protected from the UV monster "Congari" and the body temperature does not become extreme while breaking through multiple waves. If you meet the conditions after clearing, you will be rewarded, and you will get a swimsuit and a reward mode for the selected character.


VR搭載 美少女RPG【オルタナティブガールズ】PV第1弾〜VR編〜


【PV】「もっと Be My Power!」オルタナティブガールズ新機能「VRライブ」に実装予定!




【オルガル】ドキドキ!生着替えタイム 失敗編 エイプリルフール(未修正) Ver.【VRゴーグル対応】


オルガル Alternative Girls, 有村詩音 溫泉VR